This phase of engagement has ended.


Soho Road local centre improvements


This page is currently closed for comments. Thank you for all of the views and suggestions submitted so far. These will now be analysed and help to inform the next set of proposals to be bought forward for delivery during 2021. More details will be shared later this year and there will be further public consultation on any future changes.

A number of temporary changes were put in place on Soho Road last year in response to COVID-19, to create safer space for people and to enable social distancing in this area of high footfall.

We are now planning more improvements to the area to make it safer and easier for people to walk and cycle, and we want to hear your views on what we should do next.

In summer 2020 we:

  • widened the pavement by removing parking (along sections of Soho Road)
  • introduced a one-way system for pedestrians in front of Cannon Street Memorial Baptist Church
  • installed social distancing signs and markings
  • Your views

    Through the Active Travel Fund, we now have an opportunity to continue transforming our local centres and enable people to walk and cycle more. We want to work closely with the local community to develop and deliver our vision for safer, greener and healthier places.

    We want to hear from you on how these measures have worked so far and what else could be done.

  • Would you like to keep any of the changes made last year?
  • Where else in Soho Road local centre would benefit from improvements?
  • What other things would encourage you to walk or cycle more?
  • You can add as many comments as you like, until Friday 16 April 2021.

    The next set of proposals will be informed by your comments and suggestions and then, following public consultation, further changes will be delivered over the coming year.

    Soho Road local centre improvements

    Further changes in Soho Road local centre to improve public spaces and facilities for walking, cycling and social distancing.

    This engagement phase has finished

    Some people making comments


    A person happy and a comment icon
