This phase of engagement has ended.


Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People project


This page is closed for comments. We carried out formal public consultation on initial proposals for the next phase of Places for People in Kings Heath and Moseley in Autumn 2021. Find out more at

In 2020 we introduced some changes across Kings Heath and Moseley as part of our Places for People programme which aims to reduce traffic in residential neighbourhoods so that it is safer for people to walk and cycle, and nicer to be outside.

In many parts of Birmingham, residents find their streets are busy with traffic, particularly when people are taking short cuts to avoid main roads. When traffic is reduced the neighbourhood becomes quieter, the air is cleaner, and streets feel safer.

The principle of Places for People is that residents can still drive onto their street, have visitors, get deliveries, etc, but it is made harder or impossible to drive straight through the area. 

Low traffic neighbourhoods are groups of residential streets bordered by main roads where through trips by motor vehicles are restricted, for example by modal filters. In 2020, these were installed at a number of locations across Kings Heath and Moseley:

  • in the area to the west of the High Street, including pedestrianising a section of York Road,
  • on Poplar Road, Cambridge Road and School Road.

a group of people walking on a street with buildings and peopleYour views 

We know not everyone is feeling the benefits from the first phase of this project and there is much work still to be done. We are committed to engaging with residents to hear about their experiences and to work together to find solutions.

Through the Active Travel Fund, we now have an opportunity to continue transforming our local centres and enable people to walk and cycle more. We want to work closely with the local community to develop and deliver our vision for safer, greener and healthier places.

We want to hear from you on how these measures have worked so far and what else could be done.

  • Would you like to keep any of the changes made last year?
  • What could further improve them or fix any current issues?
  • Where else in the area would benefit from improvements?
  • What would make the area better and encourage you to walk or cycle more?

Use the map to tell us about a specific location in the project area (click on 'Have your say'), or use the form below to make general comments.

You can add as many comments as you like, until Wednesday 31 March 2021.

Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People project

Reducing traffic across Kings Heath and Moseley so that it is safer for people to walk and cycle and nicer to be outside.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
