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Sutton Coldfield local centre improvements contributions

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• I live in Sutton Coldfield

• I visit Sutton Coldfield regularly

Which of the following would you like to see in Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• Traffic calming

• Less traffic

• Safer crossings

• Ramps/dropped kerbs

• Wider pavements

• Disabled parking

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Sutton Coldfield?


Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The changes made were minimal, to say the least. The additional space outside the Halifax bank is welcome, but it seems that's the only change that stuck. The whole cycle lane fiasco was an utter farce - it should have been given the opportunity to be officially opened for use, rather than being removed based on the opinions (rather than facts) of a couple of biased councillors. The one-way system of Park Road actually worked really well to calm traffic, whilst it was in place. In short, nothing was learned from last year's changes and Sutton Coldfield town centre continues to be dominated by the concrete collar, traffic and car parking spaces.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Sutton Coldfield local centre?

- Close Park Road to traffic at the Brassington Avenue junction - Install safe,segregated cycle lanes up Birmingham Road and Brassington Avenue. Introduce traffic calming on these roads too (and the old High Street) and apply a 20mph speed limit. - Reduce on street parking throughout the town by limiting it to just disabled bays (there are more than enough car parks in the town) - Introduce more crossings on Birmingham Road, Clifton Road and Kings Square - Redesign the cycle lane on Manor Road. This lane isn't accessible to anyone on a non-standard cycle (I know as I use a trike) - Introduce a pedestrian crossing on Park Road by Town Gate - Remove forecourt parking on Birmingham Road and police pavement parking better . It's often impossible to push a pushchair here. - Improve Mere Green roundabout for cycle users and pedestrians. - Introduce a cycle lane on Monmouth Drive - Improve the pedestrian crossing on Monmouth Drive by Boldmere Gate - Consider traffic calming in residential areas to discourage rat running

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over 3 years ago


Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I haven't seen any changes in Sutton Coldfield

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Sutton Coldfield local centre?

During lockdown 1 in March 2020 I saw loads of families out enjoying bike rides together. The roads were quiet, it felt peaceful and pleasant. Now it seems we're getting back to normal. Cars tearing up and down the road - it's back to being noisy and busy. The Royal Town seems destined to remain car-centric. Real action and forward planning is needed. Build well connected, segregated bike lanes so kids can travel safely to school on bikes (instead of in their parent's Range Rovers). The A453 could have a 2 way cycle lane connecting Sutton Coldfield to Perry Barr. Also consider creating cycle infrastructure on Clifton Road / Lichfield Road. There are too many people using cars for short journeys in this area.

How do you use Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• I live in Sutton Coldfield

Which of the following would you like to see in Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• Less traffic

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Sutton Coldfield?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• I visit Sutton Coldfield regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Cycle lane never used, have never seen a cyclist during my visits to Sutton Coldfield (I'm not saying there aren't any, just never when I'm visiting). Lane closures create more pollution due to cars sitting in queues instead of moving freely. Surest way to kill a shopping centre is to stop cars entering.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Sutton Coldfield local centre?

A sensible well thought through solution, public transport isn't always the answer as it doesn't run when workers require it i.e. 365 days a year full service and if a car journey takes 15 minutes as opposed to a bus journey of a hour then who is going to use buses over cars. Until services and costs are such that it makes sense then car use is here for a long time.

Which of the following would you like to see in Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• Disabled parking

• More seating

• Cycle parking

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Sutton Coldfield?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• I visit Sutton Coldfield regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Cannot comment as pandemic has meant I have not traveled in the area but any change is welcome to make the area safer to cycle and walk. Previously I regularly cycled to Sutton Coldfield (the northern edge) for work purposes but rarely went further into town as it was very unpleasant with traffic largely stationary unless needing to go into Birmingham area.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Sutton Coldfield local centre?

A proper connected direct network of cycle lanes and enforcement of parking infringements. A partial network of cycle and walk routes exist but these are fragmented with not real proper infrastructure along some key roads and routes.

Which of the following would you like to see in Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• Less traffic

• Wider pavements

• Safer crossings

• Traffic calming

• Cycle parking

• cycle lanes

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Sutton Coldfield?


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over 3 years ago


Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The Brassington Avenue cycle lane was a great start. The issue with motorists exiting the Gracechurch car park could have been rectified through signage and by changing the position of the give way markings so that cyclists have priority. The wall / barrier could have been lowered to improve visibility. Removing a two-way, protected cycle lane on an arterial route indicates a lack of ambition and an indifference towards safer cycling.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Sutton Coldfield local centre?

It seems some local Councillors are only willing to accept changes that don't impact motorist's road space. The truth is, to make a real difference you have to be ambitious, even if that means taking re-allocating road space to other road users. Since the Brassington Avenue lane has been stripped out, when traveling southbound I have now to use the ring road along with buses and speeding cars - surely it would have been safer to keep the cycle lane and make minor tweaks?

How do you use Sutton Coldfield local centre?

• I live in Sutton Coldfield

• I work in Sutton Coldfield

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Sutton Coldfield?


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