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Stirchley local centre improvements contributions

Some people making comments


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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you use Stirchley local centre?

• I live in Stirchley

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Much better and safer for walking and cycling

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Stirchley local centre?

Better separate parking. More cycle routes.

Which of the following would you like to see in Stirchley local centre?

• More seating

• Wider pavements

• Cycle parking

• Traffic calming

• Less street clutter

• Less traffic

• Safer crossings

• Disabled parking

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Stirchley?

Mostly positive

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Stirchley local centre?

• I visit Stirchley regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Mostly they haven't made any difference to me, though I was pleased to find filtered permeability linking Iron Way with Mayfield Road and the high street. It's just a pity Iron Way wasn't connected with NCN5 (which has resulted in a desire line).

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Stirchley local centre?

Aggressive driving, parking on pavement, and the shear volume of traffic make the Pershore Road through Stirchley a barrier to cycling (and walking), whether you need to cross it or cycle along it. The changes made using LSTF money a few years back made it even worse to cycle. So I would like to see cycleways instead of car parking, more cycle parking, more crossings, and crossings that react immediately when the button is pressed, not a minute after you've given up and dashed between the cars. Particular attention should be given to linking together the tow path, high street, and NCN5. Allow contraflow cycling on Elm Tree Road. Link Iron Way with NCN5. Fewer cars and more cycles and pedestrians means more trade - it's been proven over and over again all over the world, including in New Street in the city centre.

Which of the following would you like to see in Stirchley local centre?

• Less traffic

• Cycle parking

• cycleways, better crossings, cars parked on the pavement should be towed away at the owner's expense

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Stirchley?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Stirchley local centre?

• I visit Stirchley regularly

• I cycle through Stirchley on commute to work

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The changes were great. I've shopped more there and been able to cycle with my son to shops there as a resilt. Pavement widening with bollards were excellent and the pedestrian refuge on Bournville Lane fantastic too. Please keep all and do more.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Stirchley local centre?

Extend Bournville LTN boundary to canal / railway as this will then also benefit the residents on Mary Vale and Bournville Lane in Stirchley. Creat a cycling link from canal to Rea Valley and improve signage. Put in a bus gate as was proposed over a decade ago on Bond Street stopping the 'West End' from being a rat run. Make road behind Stirchley Primary School a school street with a filter at it, hopefully a solution can be made for HGVs / deliveries to commercial properties. Pedestrianise in front of British Oak or at least make one lane and install pop up cycle lane, pointless being two lanes. Light NCN5 / Rea Valley and add CCTV so safer and attractive to women year round. Provide seating space for cafes, restaurants and bars. Redirect HGVs and coaches down Bristol Road or have a weight restriction on Pershore, Bristol Road is wider and has less residential areas and has bypasses of high streets. Keep blocking fast food planning applications to encourage a diversified high street and prevent obesity. Installed average speed cameras, in early mornings and late nights average speed is 40 not 20mph making it scary to cycle down. Install pop up two way cycle lane from NCN5/Rea Valley route to top of Cartland Road / new train station, is very poor now that pedestrian refuge has been installed, buses and cars have to drive in cycle lane, with eCycles and eScooters the hill is flatter so will get more use and link is needed to new station. Thanks!

Which of the following would you like to see in Stirchley local centre?

• Cycle parking

• More seating

• Less traffic

• Wider pavements

• Disabled parking

• Pedestrian priority at side roads

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Stirchley?


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over 3 years ago


Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Stirchley local centre?

Safe crossing for school children to Stirchley School on Maryvale road

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Stirchley?


How do you use Stirchley local centre?

• I live in Stirchley

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Pleased with Bournville Lane changes:ales crossing road much easier

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Stirchley local centre?

• I visit Stirchley regularly

• Travel through on daily basis

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

There will soon be an accident as the traffic from Bville lane and Hazelwell merge at that ridiculously pinched off place by the baths. When life is back to normal it will cause long delays and more pollution. Pershore road is already narrow and it will be immensely unpleasant to sit in or outside the new young eateries, or walk the high street, without being suffocated by the fumes of stationery traffic.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Stirchley local centre?

Get rid of the blockages.

Which of the following would you like to see in Stirchley local centre?

• Disabled parking

• Less street clutter

• Get rid of blockages and clutter

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Stirchley?


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