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Soho Road local centre improvements contributions

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


Do you have any ideas for future improvements to the Soho Road local centre area?

It is a shame that Soho Road is so congested and not even going right up until to Holyhead Road section. I would like see more bike infrastructure along it as it is possible if certain off shoot roads are changed in some way , for instance Ninevah Road and Grove Lane crossroads is nightmare, one turning point needs blocking off there. Then where the pavement narrows in parts extend them outwards creating additional space for pedestrians and where buses stop pull those out so you can create a cycle track behind them. Fortunately there is railing in parts so helps to protect those that need it. While its not directly part of Soho Road, the train service towards Job Centre should be reinstated and connected with the tram service if possible. Lastly, some shops need tearing and revitalised.

How do you use the Soho Road local centre?

• I do not live far from it but its not my regularly shopping area.

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I don't think the temporary changes helped much as people continued to use the narrow parts of the path. They were almost unnoticebale unless you happened be stuck waiting for people to get by you.

Which of the following would you like to see in Soho Road local centre?

• Disabled parking

• Wider pavements

• Cycle parking

• Traffic calming

• Safer crossings

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Soho Road?

Mostly positive

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you use the Soho Road local centre?

• I live in the Soho Road local centre area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Yes, I have plenty to say, as everyone is aware, handsworth it’s not a safe place for anyone to live anymore. I don’t feel like I can go out in the area because I don’t feel safe enough. I wish there was more things to do. As a single parent who is currently homeschooling, I wish we could go out in our area without feeling threatened or unsafe.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to the Soho Road local centre area?

Yes we need more police in bad areas such as Handsworth we need people that are actually going to do something about the fly tipping. There needs to be less hospitals in the area as I feel like that is adding to the drug market. Prostitution is a big issue too. Nobody has taken the virus seriously in this area which worries me.

Which of the following would you like to see in Soho Road local centre?

• Less street clutter

• Please make it safer for all of us

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Soho Road?

Mostly positive

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Mostly negative

over 3 years ago


How do you use the Soho Road local centre?

• I visit the Soho Road local centre regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The barriers to widen pavements, never worked and people, shoppers still not following 2 meters social distance and barrriers have only taken up parking spaces for shoppers on Soho Rd.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to the Soho Road local centre area?

Yes get RID of ' Soho Rd BID' permanetly would be an improvement on Soho Rd shop area. We have had 8 years of this ' Soho Rd BID' in the shop area and they have FAILED, No real improvement in this Soho Rd shop area in 8 years. Businesses in ' Soho Rd BID ' paying all this extra Levy charges for years runing to over £1 million, yet Soho Rd shop area has gt worse with years ongoing problems to this day. Soho Rd shop area could have done better without this ' Soho Rd BID'. Also getting rid permanetlty of ALL the plant containers on Soho Rd costing thousands of pounds, as planters have only attracted more problem on Soho rd and have had negative effect in this shop area for years to this day. Like to see consistent Police officers on foot and Parking enforcementoin Soho Rd shop area to address the years of pavement parking, drug, prosititution, begging, street drinking that has been ongoing for years to this day along Soho Rd. Local Cllrs for Soho Rd have let down the area for many years to this day.

Which of the following would you like to see in Soho Road local centre?

• Less street clutter

• More free parking for shoppers.

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Soho Road?

Mostly negative

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over 3 years ago


How do you use the Soho Road local centre?

• I visit the Soho Road local centre regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Wake up and smell the coffee! The place is full of drug dealers and users along with prostitution which the councillors seem very happy about. Stop wasting money on cycle lanes, they are not used and never will be. It’s not safe and will never be. It’s a major crime hub

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to the Soho Road local centre area?

Yes enforce parking laws! Shop owners are the worse.

Which of the following would you like to see in Soho Road local centre?

• None of these

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Soho Road?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use the Soho Road local centre?

• I visit the Soho Road local centre regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Waste of money-

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to the Soho Road local centre area?

Yes! Sack the useless councillors and the team that work. For BID. They are all useless and stealing a living. They quite obviously are not doing the job they are getting paid for.

Which of the following would you like to see in Soho Road local centre?

• None of these

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Soho Road?


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