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Moseley local centre improvements contributions

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley local centre?

• I live in Moseley

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The temporary changes were a joke. Pavement widening?!?! You stuck a few plastic barriers in the road! It looks like permanent road works. Some form of separate cycle lane along the Alcester Rd would be beneficial in helping cycling. I don't see the removal of the parking bays as advantageous. The road is clearly a main route out of the City centre so to think that the removal of these bays will encourage active travel is misguided. I think local people will walk / cycle if it is safe and pleasant to do so but you do need some parking for other users. Otherwise you will get more of what happens at the moment with people parking on double yellows or down the side roads.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Moseley local centre?

Separate cycle lanes, more crossings and something done about the ******* who drive on the pavement to get around closed roads, the boy racers bombing down roads and the quad bike riders who don't seem to give a **** about other road users.

Which of the following would you like to see in Moseley local centre?

• Cycle parking

• Safer crossings

• Traffic calming

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Moseley?


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Mostly negative

over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley local centre?

• I live in Moseley

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I don’t think that the temporary changes are useful or helpful or necessary. Should be returned to the status quo ante.

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Moseley local centre?

Reinstate the right hand turn on to st mary’s row coming from kings heath.

Which of the following would you like to see in Moseley local centre?

• Less street clutter

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Moseley?

Mostly negative

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley local centre?

• I visit Moseley regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I'm more likely to visit to local businesses such as cafes and shops now that the area has been made a little safer to cycle in. I like the cycle access along Poplar Road and School Road which connects Kings Heath to Moseley - it felt like visiting a pleasant neighborhood

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Moseley local centre?

Take away some car lanes to discourage over reliance on motor vehicles for short trips. We should be encouraging people to walk and cycle.

Which of the following would you like to see in Moseley local centre?

• Less traffic

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Moseley?

Mostly positive

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley local centre?

• I visit Moseley regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I liked the widened pavement along the A435 Alcester Road and St Mary’s Row slip road, the bus stop build-out outside the Co-operative, and the walkway around the bus stop by Chantry Road, the social distancing signs and markings and the temporary access walkways in support of the monthly Moseley Farmers’ Market - please keep all of these

Do you have any ideas for future improvements to Moseley local centre?

More safe bike parking

Which of the following would you like to see in Moseley local centre?

• Ramps/dropped kerbs

• Wider pavements

• Less traffic

• More seating

• Less street clutter

• Traffic calming

• Safer crossings

• Cycle parking

• Disabled parking

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Moseley?


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over 3 years ago


Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Typo in my last comment for " I note that others below have said that the narrowed road seems to make it less unsafe. " read " I note that others below have said that the narrowed road seems to make it less safe. " That was by way of contrast to the comment picked up on which seemed to suggest it made it safer. So we have contrasting opinions there. I wonder what the explanation is? Is it that traffic flow has changed over time since the introduction of the changes or that people are cycling at different times? My perception is that some of the extra Oxford Road traffic following the neighbouring Moseley & Kings Heath LTN is going down St Mary's Row and turning right at the lights, increasing traffic along there. But that's only, I think, at certain times. Are there quieter times and I'm seeing the busier times? I hope the council is monitoring variations according to time and day.

How do you use Moseley local centre?

• I live in Moseley

How do you feel about changes to make it easier to walk or cycle in and around Moseley?


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