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Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People project contributions

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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley and Kings Heath?

• I live in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

It’s created an outer ring road of Valentine Rd, Springfield Rd, Vicarage Rd, Avenue Rd and the High Street is nose to tail. It divides not unites the community. To install a LTN on Cambridge Rd is inflammatory. It’s a wide road with large houses and off road parking. Neighbouring Woodfield Rd gets all the traffic. It’s unfair. The same applies to All Saints Rd and Hazelhurst Rd. The increase in traffic on Vicarage Rd is appallingly.

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Speeding or dangerous driving

How can these be improved?

• One way streets/no entry points

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

Allow a right turn from Vicarage Rd to High St. Alter lights at Red Lion.

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley and Kings Heath?

• I run a business in the area

• I have children at school/nursery in the area

• I work in the area

• I visit the area regularly

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Think it is brilliant

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Too much traffic

• Not safe to cycle

• Hard to cross road

How can these be improved?

• Cycle lanes

• Community spaces e.g. with seating

• Traffic calming

• Cycle parking

• Plants/green areas

• Pedestrian areas

• Safer crossings

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley and Kings Heath?

• I live in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

I am very disappointed by the actions of Birmingham City Council in introducing these changes without proper consultation, especially when they have made life even more difficult for many people, at a time that's been incredibly tough. As a member of a household with three adults and one car, I'm really not a "petrol-head" and I'm keen to see a reduction in CO2 emissions (for the planet) and also in emissions of the particulates that negatively affect air quality (for the local area). However, the traffic queues that have been created by the road blockages (for example in Grove Road and Vicarage Road) will increase both fuel consumption and emissions of particulates, so I see a risk of any apparent environmental gains in some roads being wiped out by environmental losses in others. As the 6 month trial period is nearly over, I desperately hope that the changes will be reversed and that the roads will be opened up again. The current blockages are just awful and make the traffic dreadful in the roads around Kings Heath that have not been blocked off. This does not just affect car drivers, but also makes bus travel much worse, because buses are also getting caught in some of the new traffic hotspots that have been created by the ill-thought through and selfish changes. Despite having always voted Labour since the early 1980s, I will find it hard to vote for them again if they don't reverse road blockages and make daily life easier for ordinary people who need to get around and who aren't fit/ young/ healthy enough to ride around on a bicycle or to carry loads of shopping etc over longer distances.

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Traffic channelled into too few roads, creating new and difficult congestion hotspots.

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

Just an additional concern to mention, which is that I'm very worried that the road blockages will result in some of the independent businesses in Kings Heath and Moseley losing custom. Obviously lots of them have been shut due to the pandemic, so it's hard to measure this at present. But taking the example of a business that is (presumably) open at present, I have - sadly - abandoned York Supplies in favour of garden centres in the Earlswood area, as I can't get plants and garden items home without a car. In summary, I suggest that all the changes should be reversed and that the Council should wait till after the worst of the pandemic to start consulting about any future changes. One final comment, I don't consider that having a mixture of virtually traffic-free roads and more congested roads actually makes walking and cycling safer and easier - as you have to bear in mind the whole journey and not just the LTN sections. So I'm going to mark my feelings about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley as neutral.

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley and Kings Heath?

• I live in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

It has been a shambles. Done absolutely bugger all to reduce air pollution overall. if anything its increased pollution. As long as we have present vehicle use it is illogical to expect a reduction in air pollution overall

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• LTN is the problem

How can these be improved?

• Ban vehicle use for all council leaders

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

Ban car use for supporters of LTN. Create one way streets. Make the consultation fairer and more meaningful, not tactical and twisted like it currently is. Just look at the question below. Everyone wants easier cycle and walking routes, so you click green but it's not achievable via the LTN and guess what? Its interpreted as you are in favour. Take these planters, double yellow lines and bollards and place them all outside the homes of the council leaders. These council leaders must be voted out at the next election. They are throwing away our hard earned money

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Moseley and Kings Heath?

• I live in the area

• I work in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

The whole plan is flawed. Tactical consultation. Created massive queuing traffic on certain roads. Kings Heath has become congested and overly polluted. Takes far longer to travel to work. I'm in favour of cutting pollution but sadly it doesn't. It was meant to encourage cycle and walking. I'm someone who use to cycle a lot but cut it down because certain roads are packed with queuing vehicles causing traffic, anger, frustration and increased pollution.

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Remove the current blockages and start again

How can these be improved?

• Have a proper consultation

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

one way roads. keep the traffic moving. remove these planters (large litter bins) and keep the roads open.

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Kings Heath and Moseley?


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