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Castle Vale Places for People project contributions

Some people making comments


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Castle Vale?

• I would use

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

They sound like a great idea and given a joined up route I would potentially use to cycle into and out of the city or visit the area from the north east side of the area

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Speeding or dangerous driving

• Too much traffic

• Not safe to cycle

• Parking or driving on the pavement

How can these be improved?

• Cycle lanes

• Roads closed to motor vehicles

• Banned turns/manoeuvres

• One way streets/no entry points

• Safer crossings

• Pedestrian areas

• Parking restrictions

• Community spaces e.g. with seating

• Plants/green areas

• Traffic calming

• Cycle parking

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Castle Vale?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Castle Vale?

• I live in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Awful, they did nothing but cause other issues, does nothing to cut amount of cars on the Road. Castle Vale has many walkways and areas away from the main road that runs around the estate for walkers and cyclists to use so this is all a waste of money and effort as did nothing to improve the area.

How can these be improved?

• Cameras to stop fly tipping

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

More needs to be done to tackle fly tipping and areas with bushes etc need to be kept under control. Castle Vale has plenty of areas already for walking and cycling they just need to be looked after better by the Council.

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Castle Vale?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Castle Vale?

• I live in the area

• I have a child at school/nursery in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

Pointless !! Yatesbury planters have been destroyed how many times ??, That many times the council have given up ! Which is a good point because a least some innocent resident coming out of there flat isn’t going to be killed for coming out the door and cars cutting past. People still crossing across the green on Tangmere drive. It hasn’t and wont help, there are to many idiots driving that don't want to walk or cycle and rather cut over grass verges and probably end up seriously hurting someone. No1 has thought about all the children that have to cross the road on Cosford crescent and because there is frustrated drives speeding because the cant get on the main road. I no for sure if my child gets hurt because a car has cut through i will be suing the arse off whoever put them there. Ive already watched a few near misses from cars, lorry and pedestrians , the day will come when something will happen.

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Not safe to walk

• Parking or driving on the pavement

• Speeding or dangerous driving

• Not safe to cycle

How can these be improved?

• Cameras

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Castle Vale?


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over 3 years ago


How do you use Castle Vale?

• I live in the area

Do you have any comments about the temporary changes made last year?

You have just push all the traffic to neighbouring roads. As for cycling on the estate, given the socal economic make up of the estate, the up take will be low at best.

Thinking about future improvements, what are the current issues in the area?

• Speeding or dangerous driving

• Parking or driving on the pavement

How can these be improved?

• Traffic calming

• Safer crossings

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

Stop heavy goods vehicles using the estate as a short cut. Convoys of articulated vehicles and large tipper vehicle hurtle along Farmborough Rd, often knocking over centre bollards or mounting verges . Not to mention the pollution outside the schools and danger to the children and parents trying to cross the road.

How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Castle Vale?


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over 3 years ago


How do you feel about making it safer and easier to walk or cycle in Castle Vale?


Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?

There are so many traffic calming measures already, do we need more

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