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A47 pop-up cycle lane contributions

Some people making comments


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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


What do you think about plans for this pop-up cycle lane?

Mostly positive

Do you have any comments to make about this scheme?

I think the cycle lane is a good idea, and I definitely feel more confident about commuting into the City. However the implementation could be better. The small speed bumps seem excessively steep and can be discomforting - even at moderate speed., lots of debris in road, signage could also be better.

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Mostly negative

over 3 years ago


What do you think about plans for this pop-up cycle lane?

Mostly negative

Do you have any comments to make about this scheme?

Debris in lanes. Joined up to nothing. Goes nowhere dumps cyclist in traffic. Bus stop ramps are dangerous

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Mostly negative

over 3 years ago


What do you think about plans for this pop-up cycle lane?

Mostly negative

Do you have any comments to make about this scheme?

I live in Sutton Coldfield. I work nearAstonUniversity. When I am able to I cycle and would use the A47 route on Nechells Parkway. As an experienced cyclist I have to say it leaves much to be desired. Travelling from Sutton Coldfield the cycle way is on the wrong side of the carriageway so usinh6it would take me out of my natural line of travel -so I just ignore it. There are what I think on normal roads are called "speed cushions " - a raised area of tarmac about 150mm high and 2 metres wide every few metres. Some of these are at bus stops with zebra crossings but not all. At the swift but not excessive speeds I ride at these are uncomfortable and annoying and definitely a barrier to enjoyable use. At Junctions and roundabouts the cycle track seems to disappear off the line of the road. I'm not too sure because by this point I am so fed up with the whole thing that I ignore it and use the road as normal. When it rains the speed cushions trap water creating big puddles that no one on a bike wants to ride through. I do not believe the cycle way complies with best practice DfT standards or Cycling UK guidelines but am not in a position to give evidence of this. Providing cycling facilities is a good thing to do but it is no good if the routes don't go where a cyclist wants to go. I dont want to have to go further than I would go on the road and I don't want to be hindered by features which slow my progress relative to what I would experience on the road. If that is what I experience then I will simply continue to ride on the road. It is true that many people dont have my level of experience or confidence in cycling but if a lot of people *do* start to cycle they will gradually become experienced and confident and have similar issues with this route to those I have described. If that happens it will have become a white elephant and a farce instead of a useful facility and an aid to public health and environmental improvement.

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almost 4 years ago


What do you think about plans for this pop-up cycle lane?


Do you have any comments to make about this scheme?

Awesome! Let’s reduce pollution, make the roads safer and increase health benefits both physically and mentally!

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almost 4 years ago


What do you think about plans for this pop-up cycle lane?


Do you have any comments to make about this scheme?

The idea is great, the implementation is dreadful. You’re forcing cyclists to dismount at almost every junction. This is ridiculous. You need to make the cycle lanes thorough the junction ON THE ROAD and drivers give way to cyclist when turning left. I’ve ridden the section past Rupert Street and it’s dangerous for cyclist, I had no idea where to go. These designs do not comply with minimum standards and should be reviewed as a matter of urgency before more money is wasted.

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