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A47 Cycle Link to Walmley contributions

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over 3 years ago


How do you usually travel in or through this area?

• Car/van - as driver

What things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?

Drivers forced to obey speed limit

Which of the following would encourage you to consider cycling/cycling more?

• Nothing

How do you feel about plans to make it safer and easier to cycle in this area?


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over 3 years ago


How do you usually travel in or through this area?

• Cycle

• Car/van - as driver

What things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?

Cycle priority lanes and lights. Deal with parking issues in existing Chester Road cycle lanes from Yenton to Tyburn so that routes link up.

Which of the following would encourage you to consider cycling/cycling more?

• Cycle paths/ routes

• Less traffic

• Safer crossings

• Safer junctions

• Safer roads

• Slower traffic

• Cycle parking/storage

How do you feel about plans to make it safer and easier to cycle in this area?


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over 3 years ago


How do you usually travel in or through this area?

• Walk

• Car/van - as driver

What things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?

Why don’t you use the central reservation as the cycle lane rather than the dual carriageway

Which of the following would encourage you to consider cycling/cycling more?

• Cycle parking/storage

How do you feel about plans to make it safer and easier to cycle in this area?


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over 3 years ago


How do you usually travel in or through this area?

• Walk

• Public Transport

• Car/van - as driver

• Car/van - as passenger

What things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?

All frontages on Eachelhurst Road (as your map provided, does not provide detail as to which side/lane the proposed cycle route will follow, Inbound to Walmley, outbound or both) would need to traverse said cycle lane regularly, both driving forwards and in reverse, at all hours, in the day and at night. If you are not proposing both inbound and outbound then surely, and I quote; "This new route will link key employment sites at Bromford, Fort Dunlop and Castle Bromwich to a large residential area along the Chester Road (Castle Vale, Tyburn and Erdington) and Eachelhurst Road (Walmley)." Is a non starter? Get there "safer, greener and healthier" but forget about the return journey! Eachelhurst Road is serviced well by public transport with bus stops on both sides of the road, will passengers need to cross this cycle lane? (It may be someone with a disabilty,for example visual impairment or a mother and child). Home deliveries are more common nowadays and will present a further risk to drivers customers and cyclists. There is an obvious bottleneck at the railway bridge coming into/out of Walmley village increasing congestion and pollution. This currently applies to both commuters and cyclists. why introduce a scheme that brings pedestrians into the equation? In answer to your above question "what things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?" My answer - Promote cycling in safe areas, for example Parks, recreational areas. Reduce public transport costs to an entry level and accomodate bikes etc. Spend this years left over budget wisely. I suppose, in summary; Do not encourage bikes as a means to get to work and back.

Which of the following would encourage you to consider cycling/cycling more?

• promote safe cycling in areas where it is safe to do so , for example parks and recreation. cycling should not be promoted as a means to get to work safely, reduce public transport costs so it is available to all

How do you feel about plans to make it safer and easier to cycle in this area?


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over 3 years ago


How do you usually travel in or through this area?

• Walk

Which of the following would encourage you to consider cycling/cycling more?

• Nothing

How do you feel about plans to make it safer and easier to cycle in this area?


What things could be done to make it safer and easier to cycle here?

The suggested cycle lane along the Eachelhurst Road and through Walmley is another ill thought out idea, time consuming and waste of tax-payers money. The railway bridge pedestrian path on the Eachelhurst Road is already very narrow and has been problematic crossing on foot whilst trying to abide by Covid19 social distancing, as has the pedestrian paths in Walmley, and residents regularly have to walk on the grass verges to maintain social distancing. We need speed calming measures along Eachelhurst Road preferably Gatzo Speed Camera's to enforce the 40mph speed limit which is ignored by most motorists. Residents using bus routes need to get on and off buses safely, they can't if there is a cycle lane. Spend the money more wisely on road resurfacing and repairing 'pot holes' in and around the Sutton Coldfield area especially along the A38 Tyburn Road to Birmingham Route, its an absolute disgrace, and open up the railway station on Penns Lane, so that more local residents can utilise the railway network into the Birmingham City Centre thus improving congestion by removing vehicles off the roads.

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